FOX NATION ARTICLE: Another Racist, Crazy Conservative Attack on Obama: Health Reform as Reparations


"wow they'll say anything"

"Every time I read crazy bullshit like this, the phrase "grasping at straws" comes to mind."

"It's down right scary how dumb these people are."

thinkingblue COMMENT:

I must admit, I live in my own little sphere where such stupidity does not reign supreme. I stay away from Fox news, (if my remote button lands on it even for a second... I quickly push next to get the hell out of there, FAST).  I don't view the backwardness of Fox viewers as scary (unless, they start donning white sheets and pointed hoods). But I do get angry that there is a media outlet that fuels such ignorance and makes money doing so, to boot. The FoxTV/Right-wing talk radio charlatans use their follower’s shallowness to control this audience and what a sad lot they are. Always in a state of anger, believing some group is to blame for their hardships; when in reality it's the very right-wing political and religious belief system they have bought into that keeps them bound by their own ignorance. It's really quite sad.

Another Racist, Crazy Conservative Attack on Obama: Health Reform as Reparations

By Tana Ganeva, AlterNet
Posted on July 28, 2009, Printed on August 15, 2009

An article proudly featured in the top spot of Fox Nation today pulls off the impressive feat of combining two seemingly unrelated Conservative pastimes -- battling the creation of a viable health care system and screeching about "reverse-racism" -- into one totally absurd, bizarre and racist attack on Obama.

"Reparations by way of health care reform?" asks the headline accusingly. A large picture of Obama, brow furrowed as he thoughtfully considers more ways to destroy Freedom and oppress white men, accompanies the headline.

Often Fox Nation writes headlines completely unrelated to the pieces they link to, in order to rile up their commenters and get clicks. But in this case, the piece really is as batshit insane as the headline suggests:

Still believe in post-racial politics? Read the health care bill. It's affirmative action on steroids, deciding everything from who becomes a doctor to who gets treatment on the basis of skin color.

President Obama is on the record as being officially opposed to reparations for slavery. But as with other issues, you have to sift through his eloquent rhetoric and go beyond the teleprompter to get at what he really means.

The piece goes on to reveal the shocking information that Obama opposes reparations because they don't go far enough. Gasp! Not, only that, but the First Black President's ploy to sneakily usher in something worse than reparations is to rig the new health care system to privilege African-Americans.

Of course, as has been pointed out 5 trillion times before, there is no such thing as an Obama health care "plan". While the President has aired his preferences, he has not put forth a set policy. And indeed, when the article digs into the legislation, it references (or misrepresents) something that actually exists -- the house bill, which has very little to do with Obama. Yet the piece nevertheless stokes racist fears about Obama personally instituting preferential treatment for blacks by way of health care reform.

This absurdity has already been aired by Glenn Beck. But is it being primed for full-on conservative meme status? Something just racist and fringe enough to pick up steam and be repeated, ad nauseum, by the wingnuts and eventually legitimized by reports in mainstream media? As if the health care debate needed to be degraded further.

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