The Internet A Place For Murder Orange Is the New Color of Greed Military - Atheists Need Not Apply 8 Ways Privatization Is Harmful The Crook Who Stole Mail Delivery BGOP-ears Compete With People for Food The GOP Turned Political Debate Into A Joke! Critical Thinking/GOP HATE IT! Latest Right-Wing Hate on Trayvon Martin ALEC To Blame for Murder Verdict De ja vu - Excerpts From the Rodney King Case Gun People: Zimmerman Duty To Murder ZIMMERMAN MURDERED July 13, 2013 Fl literally gave George Zimmerman license GOP Don't Care If Children Go Hungry Mark Ruffalo Hits The Proverbial Nail Rand Paul To Make Abortions UNSAFE! Tea Party History 101 - 2 Easy Lessons Trayvon Martin Case Proves Bigotry Not Human! Picture of the Day. Bring Back Paula Deen Facebook Trayvon Martin Would Be Alive Today Paul Ryan Health Care Destroyed GOP to See Poor Children Go Hungry. Impeachment? It's Silly to George Will GOP Tea Party Cretins Jump The Shark! USA Leads In 1st Day Deaths for Newborns Tea Party NRA's Dance On Graves Victims Enlightenment Led To The Holocaust Coming Out To Higher Consciousness |
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No More KKK High School Please sign petition to change name of a Public School named after the leader of a KKK organization. ``` Unfortunately, many that represent the American South have inherited the bigotry of their ancestors, who were caught up in the propaganda the wealthy perpetrated upon them such as; its patriotic to fight for the rich slave owners who wanted to secede from the Union in order to protect their economic well-being. These slave owners were educated and knew how to create the false idea that kidnapped African human beings were not quite human and therefore could be treated like cattle (which strangely enough, were treated better than the human livestock). It is changing and many with a long history of living in Southern America are starting to ask critical thinking questions like, why are we maintaining the idea that dark complexions are less than those with lighter pigmentation? but its not fast enough. Perpetuating names of public establishments that were designated during times of insensitive fanaticism, names of those who represented the unequivocal cruelty of the past, is not a way to accelerate the needed changes that are required for equality. Please change the name of this school, just because Nathan Bedford Forrest has a place in history doesn't mean his name should live on as a symbol of the South because he represents all that was brutal and without mercy in Southern culture. We need to celebrate the humanism that went on during those dark days of the Southern Plantations by honoring those brave people who fought against tyranny and there were many. Click
Here For Heroes Who Helped End Slavery in the South
Look What Dropped In On Facebook Wall Study and Remember These Faces The GOP Afraid Of Gun Control? Marketing's One Motivation - Sell, Sell.The Right To Vote, A Long Hard Struggle. Asteroid Close Encounter With Earth Ted Nugent - A Real Piece of Work (shit) Mayors Against Illegal Guns Bowl Ad Common Sense Gun Laws of Japan Violence Against Women Act Expires Republican Hypocrisy Rides Again Newtown Massacre of Little Children Obama To Give The GOP A Lollipop? GOP Acts Out The Terrible Two's . The GOP's Hands Are Quite Busy Strong Segregationist Strain in U.S Lloyd Blankfein, Ebenezer Scrooge >live without becoming an old jackass. Read Agenda 21, Glenn Beck's novel? Democratic Socialism Scare Ignorant People Accomplishments of President Obama Mitt Romney's Halloween Special GOP Tea Party The American Taliban Bruce Springsteen to Join Obama Serious Reasons To Vote For Obama $$ Mitt Romney Style $$ Hey Mitt, Can You Handle More Truth? Mitt, A Dose Of Truth, Can You Handle It? Scalia and His Cobweb Thinking David Letterman: "Romney's Yellow!" Is Romney's Brain About To Blow? Creationism The Study of Darkness |
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