#presidentnutball to Destroy Renewables Whispers of an Unthinkable Past Trump Bullying World, One Continent At A Time Women's March For What It's Worth An Israel American's Opinion about Donald Trump The Election of Donald Trump and the Clan Mentality America, Home of the Persecutors Nervous Breakdown Over Donald Trump Feel the Bern or Feel the Fade Pres. Obama To Pick SCOTUS Justice Don't Tread on Me and Send Snacks Trump's NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY FDR's Unforgettable Speech 1936 Planned Parenthood's Real Killers I'm Convinced It's Bernie Sanders Clarence Thomas's Antebellum South NRA's Despicable Grasp On America Pope Francis' Punch to Religious Satire Hackers Iran, China and Russia, OH MY. Canadians Ask America, Why Now? How Republican Moderates Shamefully Cow Republican Plan - GET SICK AND DIE! |
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An Opinion on What Mainly Causes Depression An Amazing Article telling us that
our depression may be caused mainly by social injustices
brought about by political neoliberalism, rather than
biological. In the times we are living most of us are
bombarded with advertisement /propaganda using smiling
people (actors) telling us if you buy this or that (or
take this or that drug) you will be happy. Without a
doubt, this is false and the only ones who wind up happy
are those who have lined their pockets perpetuating this
garbage. Beyond sad
Heres an Excerpt from
How capitalist culture is making us sick. BY JOHANN HARI All humans crave connectionto
other people, to meaning, to the natural world. So we
have begun to live in ways that dont work for us,
and it is causing us deep pain. We live as deeply lonely
individuals, primed to believe life is about acquiring
the unnecessary products we see in advertising, left to
scream at each other through screens to mask how
distressed we feel. Yet during the rise of neoliberalism,
an alternative explanation for this distress was sold to
us, largely by for-profit drug companies: the biomedical
model. ~~~~ PS: Really brings new meaning to Bill Hicks comedy routine on Marketing...
NeoliberalismPOLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE WRITTEN BY: Neoliberalism is distinct from modern liberalism. Both have their ideological roots in the classical liberalism of the 19th century, which championed economic laissez-faire and the freedom (or liberty) of individuals against the excessive power of government. That variant of liberalism is often associated with the economist Adam Smith, who argued in The Wealth of Nations (1776) that markets are governed by an invisible hand and thus should be subject to minimal government interference. But liberalism evolved over time into a number of different (and often competing) traditions. Modern liberalism developed from the social-liberal tradition, which focused on impediments to individual freedomincluding poverty and inequality, disease, discrimination, and ignorancethat had been created or exacerbated by unfettered capitalism and could be ameliorated only through direct state intervention. Such measures began in the late 19th century with workers compensation schemes, the public funding of schools and hospitals, and regulations on working hours and conditions and eventually, by the mid-20th century, encompassed the broad range of social services and benefits characteristic of the so-called welfare state. Neoliberal ideology and policies became increasingly influential, as illustrated by the British Labour Partys official abandonment of its commitment to the common ownership of the means of production in 1995 and by the cautiously pragmatic policies of the Labour Party and the U.S. Democratic Party from the 1990s. As national economies became more interdependent in the new era of economic globalization, neoliberals also promoted free-trade policies and the free movement of international capital. The clearest sign of the new importance of neoliberalism, however, was the emergence of libertarianism as a political force, as evidenced by the increasing prominence of the Libertarian Party in the United States and by the creation of assorted think tanks in various countries, which sought to promote the libertarian ideal of markets and sharply limited governments. |
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