Stacy and Zoe Lihn The Real People Behind Obamacare
So, in short, little Zoe Lihn will die if Romney is elected president. Stacy lihn's speech was poignant and Real, it was a glimpse behind the Republican Rah Rah Shish Koom Bah rhetoric of ending Obamacare to make sure insurance companies get to, once again, choose who will live and who will die. People like Stacy and Zoe are Real and live with Real heartache, Real suffering and Real sorrow. But to Romney, Ryan and his Teapublicans, these people are invisible; their right-wing plans never mention the hearts that beat inside human beings who become victims of a cruel system. Hey, Mr. Romney I hope you were able to see Little Zoe last night, perhaps if you did hear her story, you might realize she is Real and deserves so much more than what your cold, uncaring heart is willing to give her. thinkingblue
Stacey Lihn to address the convention Tuesday night.Her daughter Zoe was born with a heart defect, but can now get the care she needs.
At 6 months old, Zoe was halfway to her lifetime cap.
But because the Affordable Care Act prohibits health plans from setting a lifetime dollar limit on most benefits, Zoe can now live a life without limits.
Lihn and her husband have been taking their daughter to The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for treatment.
She was diagnosed in utero with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
It's fatal without early intervention and requires three open-heart surgeries over several years.
Mitt Romney: To get rid of 'Obamacare,' get rid of Obama