Whispers of an Unthinkable Past Trump Bullying World, One Continent At A Time Women's March For What It's Worth An Israel American's Opinion about Donald Trump The Election of Donald Trump and the Clan Mentality America, Home of the Persecutors Nervous Breakdown Over Donald Trump Feel the Bern or Feel the Fade Pres. Obama To Pick SCOTUS Justice Don't Tread on Me and Send Snacks Trump's NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY FDR's Unforgettable Speech 1936 Planned Parenthood's Real Killers I'm Convinced It's Bernie Sanders Clarence Thomas's Antebellum South NRA's Despicable Grasp On America Pope Francis' Punch to Religious Satire Hackers Iran, China and Russia, OH MY. Canadians Ask America, Why Now? How Republican Moderates Shamefully Cow Republican Plan - GET SICK AND DIE! |
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Will the Presidency Become Trump's Final Chaotic Chapter? Please watch the unbelievable (stomach-churning) documentary uncovering the real Trump... and now Trump the Narcissistic Sociopath IS PRESIDENT OF THE USA. Cant wait to see the Trump finale chapter, which will expose, without a doubt, this foul human being for the spectacle he really is (he can no longer hide after a downfall and get back up on his feet like he did no wrong). Trump, through the years has managed to slip below the radar gathering up whatever marbles left upon the ground (even when they dont belong to him) and go after a new art of the deal, which always winds up disastrous for everyone (but fun for Trump) as he laughs All the Way to the Bottomless Pit (imaginary)Trump Piggy Bank... Good lord, now that hes president it's too late to even consider, Duck and Cover. It's Game Over, PERIOD; the only question is for whom, the world masses (you and me) or Donald J. Trump! thinkingblue Published on Youtubes NWBOXING 247 channel Oct 31, 2016 Excerpt: Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Has Many Skeletons in the Closet and it ain't pretty. Trumps literally drowning in lies,
misinformation and obfuscation, although he doesnt
seem to think theres anything wrong with that. His
campaign manager is a thug and Trump doesnt seem to
think theres anything wrong with that either. After
significant drama and dithering surrounding his foreign
policy advisory team, Trump has released a list of people
who (to put it mildly) do not inspire confidence. In
short, Trump has run a highly unconventional and utterly
disturbing campaign. Lets not assume that hes
about to stop now no matter how close he might be
to locking up the GOP nomination. A recent New York Times
piece by Alexander Burns ponders the current status of
Donald Trumps campaign. The article emphasizes
that, given Trumps profound and diverse mistakes
thus far (and especially recently), it might no longer be
possible for a divided Republican Party to coalesce
behind him before the GOP convention this July. Sen. Al
Franken returned to his comedy roots Monday, taking
swipes at Donald Trumps business record in a
Democratic National Convention address. The Minnesota
lawmaker and Saturday Night Live veteran said
he knew Trump was a right-wing megalomaniac
because he earned a doctorate in megalomania
studies from Trump University, the program that has
prompted fraud claims against Trump. Franken also joked
that the school had a strong bankruptcy program,
referencing the Republican presidential nominees
use of the practices in the past. Clearly, Donald
Trumps enormous, dare I say huge,
success as a businessman qualifies him to be president.
And if you believe that, Ive got some delicious
Trump Steaks Id like to sell you, Franken
said to laughs and applause, referencing one of Trumps
past products. He took a more serious tone, though, in
saying he has never met anyone smarter, tougher, or
more ready to lead us forward than presumptive
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Dr. Barrett, a
founding member of the Scientific Panel for the
Investigation of 9/11 and founding member of the
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance, made the remarks in an
interview with Press TV on Thursday while commenting on
Trumps intensified rhetoric against Muslims in the
wake of Sundays mass shooting in Orlando, Florida.
US President Barack Obama on Tuesday condemned Trump, and
rejected his demands that the president use the phrase
radical Islam in reference to the Orlando
massacre and other mass shootings. Trumps
gone out of his mind! Well Trump probably has always been
out of his mind, Dr. Barrett said. He stated that
the political class in the US wants to pursue a
strategy of tensions, but they dont want to become
another Nazi Germany. Trump on the other hand
is just is a psychopath, and a narcissist, and a
power-hungry maniac who essentially wants to essentially
grab the presidency using this kind of inflammatory
rhetoric to connect with people who feel disenfranchised,
who lost their jobs, who lost their futures, who see a
country in which increasingly all kinds of madness is
taking over, the American academic stated. Also Read: Trump Trauma vs No Drama Obama |
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